March 9, 2008

Busy as a Bee--It's the little things

Today was a beautiful day for being outside especially after the cold snap that we had for the last couple of days. While being busy as a bee myself working away I looked up and these little beauties are what was next to me just being busy as a bee themselves.

It really does feel like Spring is in the air. I just love this time of year when everything is fresh and green, new life in springing up all around us, the bees are at work doing their thing and all the folks that love to garden are out doing their thing too.

Just for a few minutes... I stopped to really enjoy the little things today-these little bees made me happy, I stopped and watched my youngest child play in the dirt, that made me happy, I enjoyed my girls helping me to replant tomato plants today, that made me happy also. It's the little things that I often miss because I always seem to be in a hurry, however I was reminded this week by something someone said about taking time to enjoy the little things in life. Life is short--enjoy it!! What simple but at the same time magical moment made you happy today??

March 2, 2008

Get Those Hands Dirty

Who doesn't just love them?!

This weekend we harvested at least 100 lbs of turnips. It is one of the easiest vegetables on earth I think there is to grow. And pulling those little jewels up from the earth is just too much fun.
I'm not one to like turnips greens, which is a shame, as I threw all of them into the compost pile but the turnips themselves have such a great flavor to them. A little bitterness and a little sweetness at the same time. They just melt in your mouth. There are so many ways to prepare them--Turnip fries, cubes with butter salt & pepper, or boiled and mashed like mashed potatoes. They are all yummy! My kids love to just grab the turnip, put a little salt on that baby and eat it as is.
If you've never ate a turnip, you might be pleasantly surprised. :0)