December 31, 2008

Last post of the year

It has been sad how little I've kept up with this blog this year, although I wanted to add one last post before the new year that starts in just a couple of hours. 2008 is almost over and I must say that it has been a very good year for us.
I didn't get near as much accomplished as I had hoped throughout the year but like the saying goes-There's always next year!!
So see you all next year and I will keep up with this blog better--I promise!

November 12, 2008

4-H ~~~Going to State!! ~~~Whoo hoo!

It's been awhile since I updated anything but a whole lot has been going on here. To start with, this is the first year that some of my kids have decided to be involved with 4-H. The 3 younger ones, Carlin (14yrs.), Molly (12 yrs.) and Jake (9 yrs.) decided that they would like to join Wildlife. It has been such a wonderful experience for us. My children have learned such much and studied their little hearts out. I must say that I've learned a great deal also.
The District contest was on October 22nd. All 3 of my kiddos scored high enough to go to Regionals. Molly scored over-all high pointer for our 4-H group. I must say that I'm a very proud mama!! I'm very proud of all 3 of my children for working so hard to make their goals.

After District contest they had to prepare for the Regional contest that took place a week later on Oct. 29th. Let me say, there was a lot of studying was going on in this house and it really paid off. Molly and Carlin will be going to the State Contest in May, which will be held close to Corpus Christi, Texas. Only 4 kids from our District will go, and 2 of them are from my house. If that doesn't make a mama proud!

This is their first year in 4-H Wildlife, all 3 of my kids have done remarkable well for just starting out. Molly had one goal when she started and that was to make it to State. Carlin is excited as well, they make great study buddies. :0) Jake was a little disappointed--but I'm not in the least. That little guy worked so hard and he made it to Regionals which is a great accomplishment when most of the kids he was competing with are all high-school age children. Oh, another thing worth mentioning--none of the kids were to talk to any of the other students while doing the contest. Not one word--now that is a feat in itself.

Oh, I guess I should say that our county placed 2nd in the Regionals. Way to Go!!

Molly and Jake are on the left in the photo. Molly is the tall girl with a jacket tied around her waist and Jake is in a Red and Black checkered shirt.

Molly out in the field doing Tree Identification.

The little guy on the log is Jake, isn't he a tiny one to be out doing this. Anyway, he is also doing Tree Identification.

Carlin is very hard to get a picture of, anyway he is the blond boy in the background. Molly is to the left and Jake is in the cap.

September 6, 2008

School is back in session

The summer just seemed to fly by this year. Really to be honest, everyday is going by just way to fast for me. We started back to school about 3 weeks ago, adding a little in each day so not to overwhelm anyone. It's hard to believe that we are now in our 8th year of home schooling our 5 children. My oldest will graduate this year and my youngest starts 4th grade. The three in the middle are starting 11th, 9th and 7th grade. My hands are full with a variety of ages/grades, curriculum and learning styles.
We are doing a few things differently this year and also keeping some things the same. We will be branching off into more history than usual. History is not a subject that I really cared for as a child so it has been one of the more difficult ones for me to teach. I have my order placed and should be receiving our new history read-alouds in the next week. Until then we have plenty to keep us busy.

August 12, 2008

My daughter has started blogging!!

As part of a school project that I've asked my daughter Molly to complete this year is starting a blog. You can see the link at the side of this page entitled Molly's Place. I like to refer to it as her "On Line Journal" of her day to day happenings relating to school. She will be posting about different curriculum that she will be using, maybe some about what she learning, cooking, gardening, book reviews and photos. Pretty much you name it, hopefully she will be writing about it.

I've asked her to do this project in hopes that it will help in her writing abilities, conveying her thoughts and sentence structure. Plus, I think it will be a great way to look at what she will have accomplished in this school year.

I've made an outline of things that I want her to accomplish this year. I won't tell you about it, I'll let you take a look at her blog to see what she's up to.

I hope you enjoy my daughter's new blog--Whoo hoo!! :0)

August 7, 2008

Where have the last 5 months gone

It's hard to believe that I haven't posted an entry in such a long time. Things have been so very busy!! We, as a family, have started gardening. It has been a fun and rewarding experience. Lots of work, but oh the feeling of walking out and picking your own vegetables. It's a GREAT thing and yummy too!!! I took tons of photos that I might post at a later time.

Some of the veggies that we planted and harvested were: Tomatoes, squash, zucchini, bell peppers, hot peppers, banana peppers, peas, corn, okra, cucumbers, muskmelons and watermelons. It has been a learned experience for us all. One thing that we learned is that we don't need 200 watermelon plants. Although with having so many delicious watermelons that my two older sons planted and cared for we found ourselves with too many melons to eat. So my girls and I ventured out and made watermelon jelly this year. I have heard about it in the past but had never eaten any. It was fun to make and yummy to eat. Though next spring, I think we will plant fewer plants. :0)

March 9, 2008

Busy as a Bee--It's the little things

Today was a beautiful day for being outside especially after the cold snap that we had for the last couple of days. While being busy as a bee myself working away I looked up and these little beauties are what was next to me just being busy as a bee themselves.

It really does feel like Spring is in the air. I just love this time of year when everything is fresh and green, new life in springing up all around us, the bees are at work doing their thing and all the folks that love to garden are out doing their thing too.

Just for a few minutes... I stopped to really enjoy the little things today-these little bees made me happy, I stopped and watched my youngest child play in the dirt, that made me happy, I enjoyed my girls helping me to replant tomato plants today, that made me happy also. It's the little things that I often miss because I always seem to be in a hurry, however I was reminded this week by something someone said about taking time to enjoy the little things in life. Life is short--enjoy it!! What simple but at the same time magical moment made you happy today??

March 2, 2008

Get Those Hands Dirty

Who doesn't just love them?!

This weekend we harvested at least 100 lbs of turnips. It is one of the easiest vegetables on earth I think there is to grow. And pulling those little jewels up from the earth is just too much fun.
I'm not one to like turnips greens, which is a shame, as I threw all of them into the compost pile but the turnips themselves have such a great flavor to them. A little bitterness and a little sweetness at the same time. They just melt in your mouth. There are so many ways to prepare them--Turnip fries, cubes with butter salt & pepper, or boiled and mashed like mashed potatoes. They are all yummy! My kids love to just grab the turnip, put a little salt on that baby and eat it as is.
If you've never ate a turnip, you might be pleasantly surprised. :0)

January 18, 2008

New Puppy--Rose

Look what my sweet hubby surprised us with the other day! A tiny little Basset Hound!! Isn't she just the cutest?? She is 5 weeks 1 day in the photo. Don't you just love those loooonnnng ears?
Meet Rose---The newest member of our home.

Time Passes

Well, so much time has passed since I last updated anything into this blog. It doesn't mean that there has been nothing going on, on the contrary--Life has been very busy. With 5 kids how could it not be. The holiday season has passed and life goes on. I will be updating more of what is going on with us soon.
Take care all!